Tuesday 30 April 2013

News debates

News channels and debates! Phew!!

Just watched two contrasting debates on different channels. The topic in question was the Chit fund scam in WB- it was the same discussion in both channels, Times Now as well as the Bengali channel 24 Ghanta, but the approach was so drastically different.

One where all the concerned parties were vehemently discussing the topic at hand...........raised voices.........people almost falling over each other to make a point..........the news anchor getting agitated...........some voices being muted just so the opposing parties can make a point..........it was almost like the Mahabharata itself being staged in a minute way!!

The other channel in question had a set of relaxed gentlemen..........possibly sitting down after a heavy lunch.... a more relaxed debate........at least the parties did not jump out of the seats at each others' throat......... but the news anchor looked so bored, it almost felt like given the chance he'd run away but was sticking there only because his bread and butter depended upon it !!

Both these debates of course did not reach any proper conclusion, nor did they answer any of the burning questions, but yes, one made for real-time "masala" viewing whereas the other was more the "rock ay boshay adda" type discussion......something my Bengali friends would understand!!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

The chit...oops "cheat" fund disease

Chit funds.

The latest in the long list of Ponzi schemes is the recent chit fund scam to rock my beloved Kolkata.

Kolkata..... sleepy city...........where a man's ambition in life lies not in earning a lot of money, but in earning enough to take his family for an annual picnic.....say to Darjeeling......or even better......Puri. A city where Mother Teresa spent her entire life caring for the poor........the land which worships "Kali ma"...........a city where a 300 year old building can peacefully co-exist right beside a 3 year old multi-storey building.

Kolkata. The home of the latest Ponzi scheme...........4000 crores......and counting!!! The main victims? daily wage earners...........for whom a Rs.100 could mean a few days meal for the family.........for whom Rs. 1000 is a grand luxury!!

Makes me think ..........why is it that the poor people.....the poorest of the poor..... are always victims of these chit fund shams....these scams?

Is it the promises given by the promoters? of sudden riches?
Is it that they are not educated enough to read between the lines?
Is it that there is nobody around to protect....to educate them?
Is it that the local administration turned a blind eye?
Could it maybe be a combination of all the above?

Watching the different political parties battle it out on the news channels was a tad disgusting.....not to say, embarassing!! Not for a minute did any of them show what they were willing to do for those affected....... instead it was the blame-game.......the Left blaming the TMC............ The TMC blaming the BJP...........the BJP blaming the Congress............nothing but just another platform for these politicians to sing to their vote-banks!!!

Wonder when the common man will grow up..............wonder who will come to save these poor people...........

I wonder if justice will eventually be meted out.............

Nothing but wishful thinking.

Saturday 13 April 2013

The strength to forgive

Was watching the news yesterday............an interview...........

This lady talking about how she gathered the strength in her to forgive her parents' killer..............her parents were killed when she was only 6 years old..............she not only forgave him.... she even went from pillar to post with his father to get him released.

How?? How can anyone find it in their heart to forgive?............to forgive one's parents' killer??

I felt it was sheer courage............a big heart.........a forgiving heart.

Thought back to my own experiences..........wow!!! Just realised it was so easy to carry around a grudge!!!

A bad word someone spoke against me............"Can never forget such words!"
An act done "purposely" which made me get angry..........."will never forgive that person!"
Negativity in another person..............."can never speak to him/her again!"

thought back to each of those "acts" those "words" ............seemed not just insignificant, they seemed absolutely petty!!!

It was actually so cheap of me for having held on to so much of negativity...........bad thoughts...........anger.........

The meaningless nature of it suddenly hit me.....

It was only I who was getting affected with all this negativity!!! so why carry it around??

May take a lot of time to forgive everyone on my "list".....but it didnt hurt to want to start........

To forgive.............an act of supreme courage.............definitely not cowardliness.....something which the lesser mortal would never be able to do....

so.... from that higher moral ground.... I sign off for the day!!! :)

The gurgle !!

2 a.m. The whole world sleeps & you are awakened by the crying.....hmm......the same old diaper change-feeding cycle starts.

A repressed yawn, and you check the clock, its already 5 a.m.......almost time to wake up the elder one for school.....

Then the thought comes to me.......The incessant crying, the torturous schedules......Oh!! for a moment to myself !!!!

The tiredness, the dark circles under the eyes............am sure all new (and repeat!!) mothers would know what I am going through..............

Get caught up in the daily routines.......when suddenly i hear a small sound........

I stop and notice, it is my li'l baby gurgling..... a small smile.... a naughty look.....

That's enough to make my heart aflutter again.....

Back to the cycle again.............but with all smiles........ happy to get into the whole routine again!!!

Guess all mothers would know this..... every single gurgle, ......every smile..... every movement the baby makes..............its worth hours of toiling, and hours of diaper changes!!

Baby gurgles............. :)............... the happiest sounds one can ever hear!!!

Sunday 7 April 2013


Its an early morning start.

Alarm ringing, hurried exits from the bed, rushed breakfasts, attending to the "wipe me mamma" calls of my older kid, picking up the crying baby, I just about made it to complete the "Bye darling" routine at the door.

Just as I get around to picking up the newspaper, the second round of the mad rush starts- phone ringing, baby crying, someone at the door, and before you know it, am off to drop my baby at the babysitter's, and at my workplace.

But a nagging thought keeps troubling me.....i definitely have forgotten something important.

I think back......
Did I lock the door? Check
Did I pack lunch for the kids? Check
Did I switch off the gas? Check.

And the list goes on........ but, no there it is... the nagging thought... something missing.

Return home, and the cycle continues - feeding, washing, ironing.....Phew!!! would have been easier if we were born as birds I suppose!!!........... and finally off to bed.....the nagging thought creeps up.....

And there I remember it... I take a deep breath!!!

There it was......that was what I was forgetting about since the day started.......to breathe!!

How many of us actually forget to take a deep breath once in a while?.....I wonder!!!

A busy time for us individuals.......but yes, we shouldn't forget to take a deep breath................after all, that is what "living" really is, isn't it?