Sunday 7 April 2013


Its an early morning start.

Alarm ringing, hurried exits from the bed, rushed breakfasts, attending to the "wipe me mamma" calls of my older kid, picking up the crying baby, I just about made it to complete the "Bye darling" routine at the door.

Just as I get around to picking up the newspaper, the second round of the mad rush starts- phone ringing, baby crying, someone at the door, and before you know it, am off to drop my baby at the babysitter's, and at my workplace.

But a nagging thought keeps troubling me.....i definitely have forgotten something important.

I think back......
Did I lock the door? Check
Did I pack lunch for the kids? Check
Did I switch off the gas? Check.

And the list goes on........ but, no there it is... the nagging thought... something missing.

Return home, and the cycle continues - feeding, washing, ironing.....Phew!!! would have been easier if we were born as birds I suppose!!!........... and finally off to bed.....the nagging thought creeps up.....

And there I remember it... I take a deep breath!!!

There it was......that was what I was forgetting about since the day breathe!!

How many of us actually forget to take a deep breath once in a while?.....I wonder!!!

A busy time for us individuals.......but yes, we shouldn't forget to take a deep breath................after all, that is what "living" really is, isn't it?

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